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Sci-fi PvP Car Combat Arena.

Despoiler is a Team Objective arena racer developed by Parallax, a team of seven students for their final year Capstone project and the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. Players pilot hovercrafts across the desolate wildlands, scavenging the valuable scrap they need to unlock utilities, upgrades, and win the game. Gather scrap – the resource of despoilers. Team with the most at the end of a match wins. Scrap can be found through the level, or contained in old scrap silos – destroy silos to release scrap. Steal the enemies scrap to sabotage their progress or destroy the enemy base’s core to end the game early.

Game Info

Release Date: TBA
Developer: Parallax
Publisher: Parallax
Genre: Action, Driving, Multiplayer
Rating: 72/100

Website of Despoiler


System Requirements

Minimum Specifications

OS: Win 7
CPU: Intel i5 2.5ghz or better
GRAPHIC: ATI R9270x or equivalent
HDD: 1.5 GB

Recommended Specifications

OS: Win 10 64
CPU: Intel i5 2.5ghz or better
GRAPHIC: ATI R9270x or equivalent
HDD: 1.5 GB

Game Features:

  • Team Objective multiplayer
  • 5v5 online battles
  • Unique ‘strategic escalation’ focused game-mode
  • Beautiful environments and vehicles
  • Physically simulated hovercraft
  • Powered by Unreal Engine 4

Despoiler Trailer

Despoiler Review:

7.2 Total Score

5v5 team objective hovercraft arena racer. In Despoiler, teams scavenge valuable scrap from the level, and the team with the most at the end of a (15min) match wins. Gather scrap - the resource of despoilers. Team with the most at the end of a match wins. The more scrap you have the better utilities and vehicles your team unlocks. It is a game of strategic and competitive escalation where strategic team play is as critical to your success as your piloting skills.

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